Fri. Apr 19th, 2024
Icon For eDiscovery News, Views, and Events
You are viewing ARCHIVED CONTENT released online between 1 April 2010 and 24 August 2018 or content that has been selectively archived and is no longer active. Content in this archive is NOT UPDATED, and links may not function.

Provided for your review/use is this week’s snapshot update of key industry news, views, and events highlighting key electronic discovery related stories, developments, and announcements.

eDiscovery News
Context for Applying Discovery

  1. Brevity Is One Key to Internet-Era Speaking –
  2. Citing Rule 37(e), Court Denies Spoliation Sanctions Despite the Existence of a Duty to Preserve –
  3. Cross-Border Discovery: Ontario’s Golden Rule –
  4. CyberAttacks on the Rise in 2010, Report Says –
  5. Database Access and the Defense –
  6. Digital Detectives: A Look at Data Breaches – New Podcast on the LegalTalkNetwork –
  7. EDRM Enron Email Data Set v2 Update –
  8. EDRM XML Schema Survey –
  9. eDiscovery Buying Criteria –
  10. E-Discovery Sector has Room to Grow: Experts –
  11. E-Monitoring and the First Amendment: What Can Tech Do?
  12. EU Data Sharing: European Commission Lays Out Core Principles of Data Sharing And Results Of First Ever Audit –
  13. Fired Over Twitter: 13 Tweets That Got People Canned –
  14. Hosting eDiscovery in the Cloud: Know What You’re Getting –
  15. Law Technology News Legal Technology Vendor Satisfaction Survey –
  16. No E-Discovery Project Management Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy –
  17. Overview of the TREC 2009 Legal Track, by Hedin et al. –
  18. Metropolitan Corporate Counsel – Social Media – Assessment, Risks, and Techniques –
  19. Politics and ESI Retention: What Happened to Transparency in Government?
  20. Primer on Foreign Language E-Discovery –
  21. Search Term Turkey – |
  22. SEC Adds Units to Oversee Financial Institutions, Asset-Backed Securities, New Financial Products and Trends –
  23. Social Media and eDiscovery: More Bark than Bite?
  24. Stupid Defendant Tricks: Poor Photo-Editing Skills Edition –
  25. Survey of 103 eDiscovery Cases in the First Half 2010, the “Campbell Soup” case, and the Wisdom of Andy Warhol:

Content for Understanding Technology

Vendor Views
Industry Landscape

Case Summaries
eDiscovery Case Law via DiscoverApplied (@discoverapplied)

eDiscovery Events

July Event Update

August Event Update


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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

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