Editor’s Note: The Summer 2024 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey offers a comprehensive snapshot of the industry, highlighting shifts in business confidence, financial expectations, and technological adoption. With strong representation across major segments, including software providers, law firms, and consultancies, the survey provides a well-rounded foundation for analyzing trends and challenges facing eDiscovery professionals. This report delves into the insights gathered and compares them to the Spring 2024 survey, offering a valuable resource for industry leaders aiming to stay ahead in an evolving landscape.

Content Assessment: Rising Business Confidence in eDiscovery: Summer 2024 Survey Insights

Information - 94%
Insight - 96%
Relevance - 93%
Objectivity - 95%
Authority - 97%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit expressed as a percentage of positive reception of the recent article from ComplexDiscovery OÜ titled, "Rising Business Confidence in eDiscovery: Summer 2024 Survey Insights."

Background Note: The eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey is a well-established, quarterly research initiative designed to provide insights into the state of business confidence in the eDiscovery ecosystem. Since its inception, the survey has been administered 35 times, drawing approximately 97 respondents per survey and totaling 3,390 responses in aggregate. This consistent pulse check has played a pivotal role in understanding industry sentiment, capturing trends in revenue and profit, and identifying the key challenges eDiscovery professionals face.

The Summer 2024 edition of this quarterly survey was administered between August 24 and September 20, 2024. The promotion of the survey was primarily handled through direct emails* from ComplexDiscovery and its trusted partner, the EDRM, with commendable awareness support from other industry organizations and publications, including Emerging Europe. This inclusive promotion approach ensured a broad and diverse range of respondents, making the findings representative and insightful.

The Summer 2024 survey saw participation from 60 industry professionals. 

Industry Survey

Rising Business Confidence in eDiscovery: Summer 2024 Survey Insights

ComplexDiscovery Staff

The Summer 2024 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey, which gathered insights from 60 industry professionals, provides a comprehensive view of the eDiscovery landscape, revealing optimism about current business conditions, financial projections, and technological advancements. This report not only analyzes the Summer 2024 results but also compares them with the Spring 2024 survey findings, offering a deeper understanding of trends, shifts in sentiment, and emerging challenges.

Industry Representation and Demographics

The Summer 2024 survey continued to show strong representation across all major segments of the eDiscovery industry, with some changes in participation compared to the Spring 2024 survey. Respondents from software and services providers increased to 36.67%, up from 33.33% in the Spring. Participation from law firms decreased from 30.86% to 21.67%, while consultancies saw an increase from 14.81% to 21.67%. The share of responses from corporations remained steady at 6.67%, and media/research organizations held at 6.67%, compared to 6.17% in the Spring. With this broad representation across key sectors, the survey provides a solid base to draw holistic conclusions, offering a comprehensive view of the industry’s current state and emerging trends.

Geographical distribution in the Summer 2024 survey shows that the eDiscovery industry remains largely concentrated in North America, with 85% of respondents conducting business primarily in the United States, a slight decline from 87.65% in Spring 2024. Other regions, such as Europe and Asia, continue to have smaller representations, each accounting for 5% of responses, signaling a relatively steady international presence. In terms of organizational roles, the majority of respondents, 60%, work in legal or litigation support, slightly down from 62.96% in Spring, while 31.67% are engaged in business or operational support, showing an increase from 27.16%. The level of support within organizations also saw a shift, with 50% of respondents in executive leadership roles in Summer, compared to 40.74% in Spring, reflecting a higher concentration of decision-makers participating in the latest survey. These findings highlight a continued focus on leadership and strategic roles within eDiscovery, as well as the industry’s ongoing emphasis on legal expertise, while business functions and international participation slowly gain traction.

Business Confidence and Future Outlook

Business confidence in the eDiscovery sector has shown notable improvement in Summer 2024. More than half of the respondents (56.67%) rated the current business climate as “Good,” a rise from 50.62% in the Spring. This increase suggests that many organizations are benefiting from strong demand for eDiscovery services, likely driven by heightened litigation and compliance activities. However, the percentage of those viewing conditions as “Normal” declined from 48.15% in the Spring to 38.33% in the Summer, indicating that fewer organizations are experiencing a steady or predictable business environment. There was also a slight uptick in negative sentiment, with 5.00% of respondents in the Summer describing conditions as “Bad,” compared to only 1.23% in Spring, which could signal emerging challenges for a small subset of businesses.

Looking ahead, the outlook remains largely positive. Over half of the Summer respondents (51.67%) expect business conditions to improve in the next six months, a significant jump from the 43.21% who shared that sentiment in the Spring. The number of professionals predicting worsening conditions dropped slightly, from 6.17% in the Spring to 5.00% in Summer. This growing optimism is underpinned by stable demand and technological innovations that promise to enhance efficiency and service delivery.

Revenue and Profit Projections

While business confidence is high, revenue expectations have seen a slight tempering in the Summer of 2024. Just over 53% of respondents expect revenues to rise in the next six months, down from the 58.02% who shared this outlook in the Spring. This modest decline may reflect concerns about client budget constraints or market competition, though most still anticipate stable or growing revenues. There was also an increase in the percentage of respondents expecting lower revenues, from 3.70% in the Spring to 8.33% in the Summer, which may point to challenges faced by organizations that are struggling to adapt to evolving client demands or new technologies.

On the profitability front, however, the outlook has improved. In the Summer of 2024, 55.00% of respondents expect profits to increase, a significant rise from 44.44% in the Spring. This shift suggests that while revenue growth may be slowing for some, many organizations are finding ways to improve margins through cost control, operational efficiencies, or the deployment of advanced technologies. Fewer respondents in the Summer expect profits to decline (6.67% vs. 9.88% in the Spring), indicating that businesses are becoming more adept at managing expenses in a competitive market.

Emerging Challenges in the eDiscovery Industry

The challenges identified by eDiscovery professionals in the Summer of 2024 reflect the evolving complexity of the industry. Budgetary constraints emerged as the most pressing issue, with 31.67% of respondents citing it as their top concern, up significantly from the 20.99% who did so in the Spring. This increase suggests that, even as demand for eDiscovery services remains strong, organizations are facing mounting pressure to deliver value while controlling costs, perhaps due to more price-sensitive clients or increased competition.

Data challenges remain a significant concern, though they have slightly shifted in focus. In the Spring of 2024, 30.86% of respondents identified the increasing types of data as the primary challenge, followed by 22.22% who cited growing volumes of data. By the Summer, concern over data types dropped to 26.67%, while the focus on data volumes decreased to 15.00%. This shift could reflect progress made by organizations in managing these data challenges, possibly through more advanced tools or better data governance strategies. However, the ongoing importance of data security (noted by 13.33% in the Summer, up from 11.11% in the Spring) emphasizes the need for robust protection measures as the industry continues to grapple with cyber threats and regulatory demands.

Technological Integration: The Rise of AI

One of the most notable trends in both the Spring and Summer 2024 surveys is the increasing adoption of advanced technologies, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI (GAI). In the Summer of 2024, half of the respondents indicated that their organizations are already integrating or deploying these technologies, up from 43.21% in the Spring. This acceleration highlights the growing recognition of AI’s potential to revolutionize eDiscovery processes, particularly in areas such as data analysis, automation, and workflow optimization.

While AI adoption is rising, the proportion of organizations still testing or piloting AI technologies decreased from 28.40% in the Spring to 20.00% in the Summer, reflecting a shift toward more widespread deployment. However, there was also a notable increase in the percentage of organizations with no plans to adopt AI (11.67% in the Summer, up from 4.94% in the Spring), possibly due to resource limitations or uncertainty about the technology’s ROI in smaller or less tech-focused firms.

Improved service and product delivery remains the primary benefit of AI adoption, as cited by 46.67% of Summer respondents, a finding consistent with Spring results. Competitive advantage has become more prominent, with 25.00% identifying it as a key benefit in the Summer (up from 22.22% in Spring), underscoring the importance of technological differentiation in an increasingly crowded market.

However, concerns about results accuracy persist. In the Summer of 2024, 40.00% of respondents cited accuracy as the main challenge in deploying AI, an increase from the 35.80% who noted this in the Spring. This rise reflects the ongoing difficulty of ensuring that AI-generated insights are reliable and precise, especially in complex legal and regulatory environments.

Business Metrics and Financial Health

Key financial metrics provide additional insights into the health of the eDiscovery industry. In the Summer of 2024, 25.45% of respondents reported an increase in Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), indicating potential challenges in managing client payments and cash flow. This was a slight rise from 22.67% in the Spring, suggesting that some organizations are facing longer payment cycles, which could strain liquidity. Nonetheless, nearly half of respondents in both surveys reported stable DSO, indicating that many organizations are successfully managing their receivables.

The trajectory of Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) paints a more positive picture. In the Summer of 2024, 45.28% of respondents reported increases in MRR, up from 38.16% in the Spring. This suggests that many organizations are effectively retaining clients and generating consistent, reliable revenue streams, even as competition and cost pressures rise. This trend is a positive indicator of business stability, particularly in an industry where subscription models and long-term engagements are becoming increasingly common.

Revenue distribution across customer bases in the Summer 2024 survey shows mixed results, with 33.33% of respondents reporting an increase, slightly lower than the 36.00% reported in the Spring of 2024. This suggests a modest slowdown in growth for some organizations in terms of expanding their client portfolios. On the other hand, stability remained a key theme, with 35.19% of Summer respondents noting no change in their revenue distribution, up from 30.67% in Spring. This indicates a growing number of companies are maintaining consistent client relationships. However, the percentage of respondents experiencing a decline in revenue distribution rose from 2.67% in the Spring to 7.41% in the Summer, potentially pointing to increased competitive pressures or difficulties in client retention.

These figures reflect a balancing act between growth and stability, as more organizations focus on sustaining existing client bases while fewer see significant expansion.

Conclusion: A Resilient and Evolving Industry

The Summer 2024 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey reveals a generally optimistic outlook for the industry, characterized by stable or improving business conditions, rising profits, and increasing technological integration. While challenges such as budgetary constraints, data complexity, and accuracy concerns with AI persist, the industry is showing resilience and adaptability. The comparison with Spring 2024 results highlights the gradual evolution of the eDiscovery landscape, with professionals increasingly embracing AI, refining their operational efficiencies, and navigating financial pressures. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, organizations that invest in advanced technologies and strategic cost management are likely to be best positioned for long-term success.

This first look at the Summer 2024 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey provides a comprehensive snapshot of the current state and future expectations within the eDiscovery industry. As the industry continues to evolve, these insights will continue to be invaluable for professionals navigating this dynamic landscape. Future analyses will delve deeper into these trends, offering a more detailed understanding of the business of eDiscovery.

Summer 2024 Survey Results

n = 60 Respondents

Business Confidence Questions

1. Which of the following segments best describes your business in eDiscovery?

Part of the eDiscovery ecosystem where your organization resides

  • Software and/or Services Provider: 36.67%
  • Law Firm: 21.67%
  • Consultancy: 21.67%
  • Corporation: 6.67%
  • Media/Research Organization: 6.67%
  • Governmental Entity: 1.67%
  • Other: 5.00%
Survey Respondents by Organizational Segment - Bus Con - Summer 2024

2. How would you rate the current general business conditions for eDiscovery in your segment?

Subjective feeling of business performance when compared with business expectations

  • Good: 56.67%
  • Normal: 38.33%
  • Bad: 5.00%
Current Business Climate Overview - Bus Con - Summer 2024

3. How do you think the business conditions will be in your segment six months from now?

Subjective feeling of business performance when compared with business expectations

  • Better: 51.67%
  • Same: 43.33%
  • Worse: 5.00%
Business Climate Overview + Six Months - Bus Con - Summer 2024

4. How would you guess revenue in your segment of the eDiscovery ecosystem will be six months from now?

Revenue is income generated from eDiscovery-related business activities

  • Higher: 53.33%
  • Same: 38.33%
  • Lower: 8.33%
Revenue Overview + Six Months - Bus Con - Summer 2024

5. How would you guess profits in your segment of the eDiscovery ecosystem will be six months from now?

Profit is the amount of income remaining after accounting for all expenses, debts, additional revenue streams, and operating costs

  • Higher: 55.00%
  • Same: 38.33%
  • Lower: 6.67%
Profits Overview + Six Months - Bus Con - Summer 2024

6. Of the six items presented below, what is the issue that you feel will most impact the business of eDiscovery over the next six months?

Challenges that may directly impact the business performance of your organization

  • Budgetary Constraints: 31.67%
  • Increasing Types of Data: 26.67%
  • Increasing Volumes of Data: 15.00%
  • Data Security: 13.33%
  • Inadequate Technology: 6.67%
  • Lack of Personnel: 6.67%
Issues Impacting eDiscovery Business Performance - Bus Con - Summer 2024

7. In which geographical region do you primarily conduct eDiscovery-related business?

The location from which you are basing your business assessments

  • North America – United States: 85.00%
  • Europe – United Kingdom: 5.00%
  • Asia/Asia Pacific: 5.00%
  • North America – Canada: 1.67%
  • Europe – Non-UK: 1.67%
  • Middle East/Africa: 1.67%
  • Central/South America: 0.00%
Survey Respondents by Geographic Region - Bus Con - Summer 2024

8. What area best describes your primary function in the conduct of your organization’s eDiscovery-related business?

  • Legal/Litigation Support: 60.00%
  • Business/Business Support (All Other Business Functions): 31.67%
  • IT/Product Development: 8.33%
Survey Respondents by Primary Function - Bus Con - Summer 2024

9. What area best describes your level of support in the conduct of your organization’s eDiscovery-related business?

  • Executive Leadership: 50.00%
  • Operational Management: 26.67%
  • Tactical Execution: 23.33%
Survey Respondents by Level of Support - Bus Con - Summer 2024

10. How would you characterize the use of LLMs and GAI in your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Integrating and Deploying: 50.00%
  • Testing and Piloting: 20.00%
  • Considering and Evaluating: 18.33%
  • No Plans: 11.67%
Use of LLMs and GAI in Organization's Operations or Offerings - Bus Con - Summer 2024

11. Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary benefit of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Improved Service/Product Delivery: 46.67%
  • Competitive Advantage: 25.00%
  • Cost Savings: 16.67%
  • Risk Mitigation: 6.67%
  • Enhanced Decision Making: 1.67%
  • No Perceived Benefit: 3.33%
Primary Benefit of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization's Operations or Offerings - Bus Con - Summer 2024

12. Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary challenge of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Results Accuracy: 40.00%
  • Skill Gap: 18.33%
  • Regulatory and Privacy Compliance: 13.33%
  • High Costs: 11.67%
  • Unclear ROI: 11.67%
  • Ethical Concerns: 5.00%
Primary Challenge of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization's Operations or Offerings - Bus Con - Summer 2024

13. How would you characterize the trajectory of your organization’s Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) during the last quarter?

n=55 Respondents

  • Increasing: 25.45%
  • Unfluctuating: 47.27%
  • Decreasing: 1.82%
  • Do Not Know: 25.45%
eDiscovery Business Metric Trajectory - Days Sales Outstanding - Bus Con - Summer 2024

14. How would you characterize the trajectory of your organization’s Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) during the last quarter?

n=53 Respondents

  • Increasing: 45.28%
  • Unfluctuating: 32.08%
  • Decreasing: 3.77%
  • Do Not Know: 18.87%
eDiscovery Business Metric Trajectory - Monthly Recurring Revenue - Bus Con - Summer 2024

15. Which of the following statements best describes the distribution of your organization’s revenue across your customer base during the last quarter?

n=54 Respondents

  • Increasing: 33.33%
  • Unfluctuating: 35.19%
  • Decreasing: 7.41%
  • Do Not Know: 24.07%
eDiscovery Business Metric Trajectory - Distribution of Revenue Across Customer Base - Bus Con - Summer 2024

 *Survey methodology focuses on the achievement of at least 50 responses with the least number of emails sent to the ComplexDiscovery industry professional database. This approach seeks to minimize the number of requests for participation in surveys while ensuring a solid number of responses from which to generally assess market sentiment in survey areas of interest.
Respondent Backgrounder
Aggregate Surveys (Winter 2016 – Summer 2024)
Spring Surveys (Summer 2016 – Summer 2024)

Complete Presentation: Market Kinetics – eDiscovery Business Confidence – Summer 2024 (PDF)Mouseover to Scroll

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Additional Reading
Source: ComplexDiscovery OÜ


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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

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Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Model Use

ComplexDiscovery OÜ recognizes the value of GAI and LLM tools in streamlining content creation processes and enhancing the overall quality of its research, writing, and editing efforts. To this end, ComplexDiscovery OÜ regularly employs GAI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, DALL-E2, Grammarly, Midjourney, and Perplexity, to assist, augment, and accelerate the development and publication of both new and revised content in posts and pages published (initiated in late 2022).

ComplexDiscovery also provides a ChatGPT-powered AI article assistant for its users. This feature leverages LLM capabilities to generate relevant and valuable insights related to specific page and post content published on ComplexDiscovery.com. By offering this AI-driven service, ComplexDiscovery OÜ aims to create a more interactive and engaging experience for its users, while highlighting the importance of responsible and ethical use of GAI and LLM technologies.