Content Assessment: 40 Data Points: The State of eDiscovery Business in 2023 (Research and Reports)

Information - 96%
Insight - 95%
Relevance - 94%
Objectivity - 92%
Authority - 95%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit expressed as a percentage of positive reception of the recent ComplexDiscovery OÜ Backgrounder titled, "40 Data Points: The State of eDiscovery Business in 2023 (Research and Reports)."

Editor’s Note: ComplexDiscovery is an online publication delivering crucial insights and intelligence in the realms of cyber, data, and legal discovery. This publication stands as a vital resource for professionals engaged in cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. With a commitment to enhancing the collective knowledge of its readers, ComplexDiscovery offers a mix of original research and aggregated news, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the latest trends, technologies, and challenges in dealing with electronically stored information.

In 2023, ComplexDiscovery has continued to focus on the business aspects of eDiscovery, providing in-depth coverage and analysis. This annual research and report roll-up offers an essential collection of research, reports, and articles from the past year, each serving as a valuable guide to understanding the dynamic landscape of eDiscovery business.

ComplexDiscovery Backgrounder

40 Data Points: The State of eDiscovery Business in 2023 (Research and Reports)

Industry Research and Reports

Selected business-centric research, reports, and articles with descriptions and links to core content as published during the last year by ComplexDiscovery.

Quarterly eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey: A non-scientific quarterly survey designed to provide insight into the business confidence level of individuals working in the eDiscovery ecosystem. The survey consists of nine core multiple-choice questions focused on factors related to the general business of eDiscovery, including sentiment toward revenue, profits, and challenges. Additionally, the survey contains three optional questions focused on the business operational metrics of days sales outstanding (DSO), monthly recurring revenue (MRR), and revenue distribution across customer bases.

Semi-Annual eDiscovery Pricing Survey: A non-scientific and non-comprehensive survey designed to provide general insight into eDiscovery pricing as shared by individuals working in the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Artificial Intelligence Opinion and Observation Reports: Research and reports designed to help provide a general understanding of specific AI-centric topics as considered by cybersecurity, information governance, and legal professionals within the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Business Opinion and Observation Reports: Research and reports designed to help provide a general understanding of specific business-centric topics as considered by cybersecurity, information governance, and legal professionals within the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Annual eDiscovery Market Size Mashup: An aggregation of published industry data points from research firms, industry commentators, and eDiscovery providers, modeled and presented to highlight eDiscovery software and service market size and growth projections.

eDiscovery Mergers, Acquisitions, and Investments Overview: An aggregation of the publicly reported merger, acquisition, and investment events, tracked and published to present the events and pulse rates of these events in the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Annual eDisclosure Buyers Guide and eDiscovery Provider Directory: Industry resources published to provide insight and intelligence regarding eDiscovery software and services selection and sourcing.

Regular Updates on the Russo-Ukrainian War: Prepared and shared with permission from the Institute for the Study of War, ComplexDiscovery provides weekly updates that may be useful for cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery professionals as they consider investigations and litigation resulting from war crimes committed during the war.

Post Script

Reflecting on the wealth of information shared in 2023, ComplexDiscovery acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals who have been integral to our research and reporting efforts. This collaboration has enabled us to present a nuanced and in-depth exploration of the industry’s evolving facets.

In addition to the 2023 insights, ComplexDiscovery maintains a rich repository of report extracts and analyses from previous years. These resources, covering investments, market sizing, and surveys, are readily accessible on our website. They provide historical context and depth, enriching the understanding of industry trends and developments.

As we look forward to 2024, ComplexDiscovery remains committed to being at the forefront of industry developments, supported by cutting-edge Generative AI and Large Language Model (LLM) technologies. We invite our readers to delve deeper into our extensive offerings and stay abreast of the latest advancements in eDiscovery.

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Assisted by GAI and LLM Technologies

Additional Reading

Source: ComplexDiscovery


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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

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Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Model Use

ComplexDiscovery OÜ recognizes the value of GAI and LLM tools in streamlining content creation processes and enhancing the overall quality of its research, writing, and editing efforts. To this end, ComplexDiscovery OÜ regularly employs GAI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney, and DALL-E, to assist, augment, and accelerate the development and publication of both new and revised content in posts and pages published (initiated in late 2022).

ComplexDiscovery also provides a ChatGPT-powered AI article assistant for its users. This feature leverages LLM capabilities to generate relevant and valuable insights related to specific page and post content published on By offering this AI-driven service, ComplexDiscovery OÜ aims to create a more interactive and engaging experience for its users, while highlighting the importance of responsible and ethical use of GAI and LLM technologies.