Editor’s Note: Received earlier today from BARBRI Group Chairman and CEO Stephen Fredette, the following announcement of an executive leadership change involving Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad at the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS) is published with permission for your consideration. The consistent and comprehensive contribution of Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad to the eDiscovery ecosystem is both notable and enviable, and the positive impact of their dedication and hard work for ACEDS and its members has directly resulted in the increased influence and ongoing relevance of ACEDS on the practice of eDiscovery around the world.
ACEDS Partner Announcement
ACEDS AnnouncementAdditional Reading
- Is Perception Reality? Nineteen Observations on ACEDS in the Summer of 2019
- An Educational Update: E-Discovery Essentials from ACEDS
Source: ComplexDiscovery