ComplexDiscovery OÜ Green Computing, Carbon Neutrality, and Governance Policy


Policy Statement*

ComplexDiscovery OÜ Green Computing, Carbon Neutrality, and Corporate Governance Policy

Updated May 14, 2023.

1. Policy Statement

ComplexDiscovery OÜ (ComplexDiscovery) is committed to the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainability. We endeavor to minimize our impact on the environment through the adoption of Green Computing strategies and a commitment to Carbon Neutrality. While we are not currently a Certified B Corporation, we align our operations with the governance standards of B Corporation certification, reflecting a commitment to consider the impact of our decisions on all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, the community, and the environment.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all areas of ComplexDiscovery’s operations, including our information technology infrastructure, energy use, waste management, procurement practices, and decision-making processes. It extends to all employees, contractors, and other stakeholders involved in our operations.

Under the Green Computing component of the policy, we strive to use computing resources efficiently, promote energy conservation, responsibly manage electronic waste, and encourage the adoption of green computing practices among our employees.

Our commitment to Carbon Neutrality involves conducting regular audits to determine our carbon footprint, implementing measures to reduce carbon emissions, and purchasing Certified Emission Reduction units (CERs) to offset any remaining emissions.

In line with the governance standards of B Corporation certification, we aim to consider the wider impact of our decisions, support the development of legal mechanisms that promote consideration of all stakeholders, and review our alignment with B Corporation governance standards in the event of significant changes to our control or structure.

We are committed to transparency and accountability in our environmental and societal commitments and will regularly review and report on our performance in these areas.

3. Key Definitions

  • Green Computing: The practice of using computing resources efficiently and designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems with minimal impact on the environment.
  • Carbon Footprint: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly to support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Carbon Neutrality: Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by balancing the amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount offset or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference.
  • Carbon Offsets: A reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.
  • Certified Emission Reductions (CERs): A type of emission unit (or carbon credits) issued by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • B Corporation Requirements: A set of standards related to governance and consideration of stakeholders, which include employees, customers, suppliers, the community, and the environment.

4. Green Computing Policy

  • Energy Efficiency: We will strive to purchase Energy Star-rated equipment and implement power management settings on all our computers, servers, and other equipment to conserve energy.
  • Responsible Disposal: We commit to disposing of electronic waste responsibly, either by using certified e-waste recyclers or by returning the equipment to the manufacturer when possible.
  • Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Where possible, we will opt for virtualization and cloud computing technologies to reduce the need for physical servers and storage systems.
  • Training and Awareness: We will educate our employees about our green computing strategies and encourage them to adopt green practices in their work.

5. Carbon Neutrality Policy

  • Determine Carbon Footprint: We will conduct regular audits to calculate our carbon footprint, considering all business activities, including energy use, transportation, and waste. The calculation will be based on an average of estimations from the UNFCCC Carbon Offset Calculator and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Carbon Footprint Calculator.
  • Reduce Emissions: We will strive to minimize our carbon emissions through green computing initiatives, energy conservation measures, and other operational changes.
  • Purchase of Carbon Offsets: We commit to achieving carbon neutrality by purchasing carbon offset credits equivalent to our remaining carbon footprint. We will use the UNFCCC’s Online Platform for Voluntary Cancellation of CERs to purchase these offsets.

6. Commitment to B Corporation Governance Standards

While ComplexDiscovery is not currently a Certified B Corporation, we are deeply committed to upholding the governance standards set forth by the B Corporation certification.

  • We pledge, within the bounds of Estonia’s law, to always consider the wider impact of our decisions. This includes our shareholders, but also extends to our employees, customers, suppliers, the community, and the environment.
  • We are committed to supporting B Lab’s efforts to establish an effective legal mechanism that promotes the consideration of all stakeholders in directors’ decision-making processes.
  • If such a legal mechanism becomes established in Estonia, we will take all necessary steps to avail ourselves of this mechanism, reflecting our commitment to these higher standards of corporate responsibility.
  • In the event of a significant change of control of ComplexDiscovery, including a public offering, we commit to reviewing our status and alignment with B Corporation governance standards within 90 days of the effective date of the change of control. This does not imply an automatic intent for certification as a B Corporation, but a recommitment to the principles and standards of governance that B Corporations represent.

7. Review and Reporting

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and to incorporate new best practices. We will also report annually on our carbon footprint, offsetting activities, and progress towards B Corporation governance standards, ensuring transparency and accountability in our environmental and societal commitments.

8. Current Carbon Offset Report

For 2022, ComplexDiscovery conducted a comprehensive analysis of our operations, quantifying the total greenhouse gas emissions directly associated with our business activities. We have also estimated our carbon footprint for 2023 and 2024. This projection is based on our anticipated business growth and current operational practices, considering measures we are taking to reduce our environmental impact.

In our commitment to carbon neutrality, we have purchased carbon offsets for 2022 and 2023. These purchases are made through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Online Platform for Voluntary Cancellation of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). These offsets support Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in developing countries, contributing to both emission reduction and sustainability.

Carbon Footprint Estimates and Offset for ComplexDiscovery

Estimated Carbon Footprint – Average of UNFCCC and EPA Carbon Footprint Calculators

  • 15.69 tonnes of CO2 – 2022
  • 18 tonnes of CO2 – 2023
  • 20 tonnes of CO2 – 2024
  • Total (2022-24) – 53.69 tonnes of C02

Voluntary Cancellation of Certified Emission Reductions (CERS)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Voluntary Cancellation Certificate (2022, 2023, and 2024)

Voluntary Cancellation Certificate – Carbon Offset – 2022-24

9. Contact Us

Through the adoption of this Green Computing, Carbon Neutrality, and B Corporation Policy, ComplexDiscovery strives to make a positive contribution to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate governance. We believe that this commitment will not only help us meet our organizational objectives but also promote broader societal goals. We invite all employees, partners, and stakeholders to join us in this important endeavor.

If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may contact our Managing Director, Rob Robinson, by email at


  • B Lab Legal Requirement – Estonia. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
  • Carbon Footprint Calculator | Climate Change | US EPA (2015) EPA. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
  • United Nations – Certification of Emission Reductions (no date) United Nations online platform for voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs). Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
  • United Nations Carbon Offset Platform – United Nations online platform for voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs). Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).

*Assisted by GAI and LLM Technologies


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