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eDiscovery Mergers, Acquisitions, and Investments in Q2 2018

Since beginning to track the number of publicly highlighted merger, acquisition, and investment (M&A+I) events in the eDiscovery ecosystem, ComplexDiscovery has noted more than 300 M&A+I events between November 2001 and today.

While not all inclusive due to the fact that M&A+I events are not always publicly disclosed, the abridged listing of M&A+I events maintained by ComplexDiscovery notes key industry business moves by sharing event date, company involvement, and event amount (if known).

Based on an aggregate review of the abridged listing through the lens of Q2 2018, the following findings, data points, and tracking charts may be useful for understanding M&A+I activity patterns in the eDiscovery ecosystem from April 1, 2018, through June 28, 2018.

Five Key Findings

  • There have been at least 15 M&A+I events in the eDiscovery ecosystem during Q2 2018. (n=15) Table View
  • April was the most active month in Q2 2018 for M&A+I events with at least six total events. Chart #1
  • May was the least active month in Q2 2018 for M&A+I events with four known events. Chart #1
  • The investment pulse rate for the three months of Q2 2018 appears to be congruent with monthly investment patterns since November of 2001. Chart #2
  • Q2 2018 investment pulse rate appears to be greater than the investment pulse rate during the same period in Q2 2017. Industry Tracking

M&A+I Data Points

Activity By Month (2018)

  • April – 6
  • May – 4
  • June – 5

Activity By Month (2017)

  • April – 1
  • May – 4
  • June – 1

M&A+I Events

Q2 2018 eDiscovery M&A+I Chronology

Event DateAcquired (Investee)Acquirer (Investor)Amount (Estimated $)
28-June-18Everlaw (Investment)Menlo Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz$25,000,000
25-Jun-18Navigant (Disputes, Forensics, and Legal Technology Segment (DFLT) and Transaction Advisory Services (TAS))Ankura (Madison Dearborn Partners)$470,000,000
18-Jun-18Garden City GroupEpiq$42,000,000
13-Jun-18Summit Scanning PartnersEverest Technologies
31-May-18Soliton Systems (eDiscovery Business)Epiq
23-May-18Exterro (Investment)Leeds Equity Partners (Investor)>$100,000,000
1-May-18Cornerstone TechnologiesSonasoft Corporation (Closing TBD)
1-May-18 RPX Corporation (Inventus)HGGC (Closing Expected in 2Q or 3Q 2018)$555,000,000
24-Apr-18Envision DiscoveryHaystackID
24-Apr-18Inspired Review HaystackID
24-Apr-18HaystackID (Haystack Holdings - Investee)Knox Capital, ORIX Mezzanine & Private Equity, Maranon Capital (Investors)
17-Apr-18Consilio (Advanced Discovery)GI Partners
3-Apr-18EradoZix Corporation

M&A+I Tracking Charts

(Charts Can Be Expanded for Detailed Viewing)

Chart #1: An Overview of Merger, Acquisition, and Investment Events by Calendar Month (2018)

Events Per Month - 2001-2018 Q2 Update 2

Chart #2: Merger, Acquisition, or Investment Events vs. Month (November 2001 Through June 2018)

Monthly Overview - 2001 - 2018 Q2 Update

Chart #3: Merger, Acquisition, or Investment Events vs. Year (November 2001 Through June 2018)

Events Per Year - 2001-2018 Q2 Update 1

Investing in eDiscovery Running Listings

2018 Quarterly Listings

Source: Original Research



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