Excellent: Revealing Response? Nuix Response to ASQ Query

Information - 90%
Insight - 92%
Relevance - 88%
Objectivity - 88%
Authority - 90%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit of the response from the global software provider, Nuix, to a request for information from the ASX regarding discussions with the eDiscovery software provider Reveal.

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Investor Update (14 September 2022)

Nuix Limited (‘NXL’) Query Letter Response


The following investor news update from Nuix is provided in response to an ASX query regarding potential corporate investment-related discussions between Nuix and Reveal. The information may be of interest to legal, business, and information technology professionals operating or investing in the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Read the Complete Response: Re: Nuix Limited (‘NXL’) – Query Letter (PDF) – Mouseover to Scroll

Re Nuix Limited Query Letter September 14 2022

About Nuix

Nuix Limited is a leading provider of investigative analytics and intelligence software, with the vision of “finding truth in a digital world”. Nuix helps customers to process, normalize, index, enrich and analyze data from a multitude of different sources, solving many of their complex data challenges. The Nuix platform supports a range of use cases, including criminal investigations, financial crime, litigation support, employee and insider investigations, legal eDiscovery, data protection and privacy, and data governance and regulatory compliance.

For further information, please visit investors.nuix.com

Read the original response.

Additional Reading

Source: ComplexDiscovery



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