Editor’s Note: The eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey serves as a critical barometer for the eDiscovery industry, offering insights into business confidence, trends, and challenges. With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), the survey has expanded to explore the industry’s adoption and integration of these cutting-edge technologies. The Winter 2024 edition reveals significant findings on the utilization, benefits, and obstacles associated with LLMs and GenAI in eDiscovery, providing a lens through which professionals can gauge current trends and prepare for future developments. This article delves into the survey results, offering a comparative analysis with the Fall 2023 edition results to highlight shifts in perspective and outline the evolving impact of these technologies on the eDiscovery ecosystem. This analysis is paramount for cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of digital transformation in their field.

Content Assessment: LLM and GenAI Adoption in eDiscovery: Strategic Insights from Recent Industry Surveys

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Objectivity - 95%
Authority - 96%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit expressed as a percentage of positive reception of the recent research report from ComplexDiscovery OÜ titled, "LLM and GenAI Adoption in eDiscovery: Strategic Insights from Recent Industry Surveys."

Background Note: In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the eDiscovery industry continually seeks insights that can guide its evolution and adaptation. The eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey, a longstanding quarterly research initiative, has been at the forefront of providing these valuable insights. Since its inception, the survey has been conducted 33 times, amassing responses from over 3,249 industry professionals, making it a pivotal resource for understanding business confidence within the eDiscovery ecosystem. Its consistent administration has enabled stakeholders to track trends in revenue, profit, and the challenges faced by professionals in the field, thereby offering a comprehensive view of the industry’s health and direction.

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), the survey has expanded its scope to include questions specifically designed to explore the industry’s engagement with these innovative technologies. These additions aim to gauge how organizations are adopting, integrating, and benefiting from LLMs and GenAI within their operations and offerings. Given the potential of these technologies to revolutionize aspects of eDiscovery—from data analysis to legal research—the survey seeks to capture a snapshot of current usage patterns, perceived advantages, and challenges hindering their wider adoption.

The significance of incorporating LLM and GenAI inquiries into the survey extends beyond mere curiosity. It reflects a recognition of the transformative impact these technologies can have on the eDiscovery sector. By understanding how firms are navigating this new terrain, the survey provides a valuable lens through which the industry can anticipate future trends, prepare for emerging opportunities, and identify potential obstacles on the path to digital transformation.

Industry Survey

LLM and GenAI Adoption in eDiscovery: Strategic Insights from Recent Industry Surveys

ComplexDiscovery Staff

Survey Overview and Methodology

The Winter 2024 edition of the eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey marks a significant installment in this ongoing research initiative, not only for its timing but also for the continued exploration into the integration and impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) within the eDiscovery sector. Administered between January 15 and February 15, 2024, the survey attracted participation from 100 industry professionals, maintaining its tradition of capturing a broad spectrum of insights from respondents who represent a cross-section of the eDiscovery ecosystem. These professionals, whose expertise spans various facets of eDiscovery, including legal practitioners, IT specialists, and corporate counsel, provide a multifaceted view of the industry’s stance towards emergent technologies.

The methodology behind the Winter 2024 survey follows the established protocol of previous editions, ensuring consistency in data collection and analysis. The survey consisted of a series of structured questions designed to elicit quantifiable insights into several core areas of interest, including the characterization of the use of LLMs and GenAI in organizational operations or offerings, the primary benefits perceived from integrating these technologies, and the challenges anticipated in their adoption. The inclusion of these specific questions underscores the survey’s role in tracking the evolution of technology adoption within the industry, offering a longitudinal perspective on how perceptions and strategies related to LLMs and GenAI have shifted over time.

In comparing the methodology and focus of the Winter 2024 survey with that of the Fall 2023 edition, several key points of continuity and evolution emerge. The Fall 2023 survey, administered between September 11 and September 28, 2023, to 64 industry professionals, set a precedent for the inclusion of LLM and GenAI-related questions, establishing a baseline against which future surveys, including the Winter 2024 edition, could be measured. This comparison enables stakeholders to discern trends, shifts in attitudes, and changes in adoption rates over a relatively short period, providing actionable insights into the pace and direction of technological integration within the sector.

The methodology’s rigor and the targeted nature of the questions ensure that the survey’s findings are both reliable and relevant, offering a snapshot of current practices, benefits, and challenges associated with LLMs and GenAI. As such, the survey serves as a crucial tool for industry professionals, policymakers, and researchers alike, facilitating informed decision-making and strategy development in the context of rapid technological change.

This overview establishes the foundation for a detailed analysis of the Winter 2024 survey results, focusing on the nuanced insights provided by respondents regarding their engagement with LLMs and GenAI. As we proceed to examine these findings, it is essential to bear in mind the methodological consistency and the survey’s role in capturing the dynamic interplay between technology and industry practices over time.

Winter 2024 Survey Insights

The Winter 2024 edition of the eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey has provided critical insights into the current state of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) within the eDiscovery sector. With 100 industry professionals participating, the survey sheds light on the integration, benefits, and challenges of these technologies as perceived by those at the forefront of eDiscovery. The targeted questions were specifically designed to capture a comprehensive understanding of how LLMs and GenAI are being adopted and leveraged within organizational operations and offerings. The findings from these questions are instrumental in gauging the industry’s progression towards embracing these advanced technologies.

Characterization of Use The survey reveals a noteworthy distribution in the characterization of the use of LLMs and GAI across the responding organizations:

  • 29% of respondents are currently considering and evaluating the potential applications of LLMs and GenAI in their operations or offerings.
  • 28% have progressed to testing and piloting these technologies, indicating a move towards practical implementation.
  • A significant 34% are in the stages of integrating and deploying LLMs and GenAI, showcasing a proactive adoption among a substantial portion of the industry.
  • Only 9% reported having no plans to explore or integrate these technologies, reflecting a broad consensus on the importance of LLMs and GenAI in the future of eDiscovery.

Primary Benefit When asked about the primary benefit of integrating LLMs and GAI into their operations or offerings, respondents highlighted several key advantages:

  • Improved Service/Product Delivery was recognized by 41% of participants as the most significant benefit, underscoring the potential for LLMs and GenAI to enhance the quality and efficiency of eDiscovery services.
  • Competitive Advantage and Cost Savings were each cited by 19% of respondents, indicating that these technologies are perceived as critical for staying ahead in the market and optimizing operational efficiencies.
  • Enhanced Decision Making and Risk Mitigation were noted by 9% of respondents, respectively, pointing to the strategic value of LLMs and GenAI in informed decision-making and managing potential risks.
  • A minimal 3% of participants saw No Perceived Benefit, suggesting widespread optimism regarding the integration of these technologies.

Primary Challenge The integration of LLMs and GenAI is not without its challenges, as identified by survey participants:

  • Results Accuracy emerged as the primary concern, with 43% of respondents highlighting it as the most significant challenge, reflecting the critical importance of reliability and precision in eDiscovery processes.
  • Regulatory and Privacy Compliance, alongside Unclear ROI, were each noted by 15% of participants, underscoring concerns around legal compliance and the difficulty in quantifying the benefits of these technologies.
  • Skill Gap (12%) and High Costs (9%) were also identified as notable challenges, indicating areas where organizations might need to invest in training and resources to fully leverage LLMs and GenAI.
  • Ethical Concerns were raised by 6% of respondents, pointing to the ongoing dialogue around the responsible use of AI technologies in professional settings.

These insights from the Winter 2024 survey not only reflect the current engagement with LLMs and GenAI within the eDiscovery industry but also highlight the perceived potential and pitfalls of these technologies. As organizations navigate the integration of LLMs and GenAI, these findings offer a valuable benchmark for understanding the evolving landscape of eDiscovery practices and priorities.

As we transition to comparing these results with those of the Fall 2023 survey, it will be intriguing to observe how perceptions and practices related to LLMs and GenAI have shifted over a relatively short period, shedding light on the pace and direction of technological adoption in the industry.

Comparative Analysis: Fall 2023 vs. Winter 2024

The comparative analysis of the Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 editions of the eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey reveals insightful trends regarding the adoption, perception, and challenges of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) within the eDiscovery industry. By examining the shifts in responses over these two quarters, stakeholders can better understand the evolving landscape of technological integration and its impact on the sector.

Adoption and Characterization of Use

  • The proportion of respondents considering and evaluating LLMs and GenAI increased from 25% in Fall 2023 to 29% in Winter 2024, indicating a growing interest in these technologies.
  • Testing and piloting saw a slight increase from 23.44% to 28%, reflecting a move towards more concrete experimentation and assessment.
  • Organizations in the stages of integrating and deploying LLMs and GenAI rose from 29.69% to 34%, underscoring a significant leap towards adoption.
  • Notably, the percentage of respondents with no plans to engage with these technologies decreased sharply from 21.88% in Fall 2023 to just 9% in Winter 2024, highlighting a broadening consensus on the importance of LLMs and GenAI in eDiscovery.

Perceived Benefits

  • Improved Service/Product Delivery remained the foremost benefit, increasing from 35.94% to 41%. This points to a consistent recognition of how LLMs and GenAI can enhance operational efficiency and output quality.
  • The recognition of Competitive Advantage and Cost Savings as primary benefits saw a notable increase, especially for Cost Savings, which almost doubled from 10.94% to 19%, aligning with a heightened appreciation for the economic efficiencies these technologies can offer.
  • The importance of Enhanced Decision Making and Risk Mitigation as benefits saw a decrease, potentially indicating a shift in focus towards more tangible benefits like service improvement and cost efficiency.

Challenges in Integration

  • Results Accuracy remained a significant challenge, with its prominence increasing from 31.25% to 43%, accentuating concerns over the reliability and precision of outcomes derived from LLMs and GenAI.
  • Regulatory and Privacy Compliance saw a decrease in concern from 23.44% to 15%, alongside Unclear ROI, suggesting a possible increase in understanding or acceptance of these aspects over time.
  • Skill Gap and High Costs retained their positions as notable challenges, although their relative proportions changed slightly, indicating ongoing concerns over resource allocation and expertise development in adopting these technologies.
  • Ethical Concerns decreased marginally, which might reflect an evolving dialogue around the ethical deployment of AI technologies within the industry.

This comparative analysis highlights a positive shift towards the adoption and integration of LLMs and GenAI within the eDiscovery industry, with a significant reduction in the number of respondents with no plans to engage with these technologies. The increase in perceived benefits, coupled with a nuanced understanding of the challenges, suggests that the industry is moving towards a more mature and pragmatic approach to leveraging LLMs and GenAI.

Furthermore, the shifts in perceived challenges highlight the dynamic nature of technology adoption, where concerns evolve as familiarity and understanding of the technologies grow. The overall trends suggest an industry increasingly willing to explore and invest in LLMs and GenAI as essential components of their operational and strategic frameworks.

This comparative analysis not only sheds light on the rapid pace of technological change within eDiscovery but also provides valuable insights for organizations looking to navigate the complexities of integrating LLMs and GenAI into their operations and offerings.

Having examined the comparative aspects of the Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 survey results, we can now reflect on the broader implications of these findings for the eDiscovery ecosystem.

Implications for the eDiscovery Ecosystem

The insights garnered from the Winter 2024 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey, especially when compared with the Fall 2023 results, carry significant implications for the eDiscovery ecosystem. These findings underscore a pivotal moment in the industry’s adoption and integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), reflecting broader trends in technological advancement and digital transformation. The observed shifts in adoption rates, perceived benefits, and challenges present both opportunities and obstacles for stakeholders across the sector.

Strategic Adoption and Competitive Edge The increased integration and deployment of LLMs and GenAI highlight a strategic shift towards leveraging these technologies to enhance service/product delivery and achieve a competitive advantage. This trend indicates that organizations are not only recognizing the transformative potential of LLMs and GenAI but are also actively pursuing these advancements to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market. As more firms move from considering and evaluating to testing, piloting, and integrating these technologies, the competitive landscape of the eDiscovery industry is set to change, with innovation and efficiency becoming key differentiators.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Management The significant acknowledgment of improved service/product delivery and cost savings as primary benefits of LLMs and GenAI integration reflects an industry-wide push towards operational excellence and fiscal prudence. These technologies offer pathways to streamline processes, reduce manual labor, and optimize resource allocation, thereby enhancing the value proposition of eDiscovery services. As firms navigate the challenges of results accuracy, regulatory compliance, and the skill gap, the focus on achieving cost-effective operational efficiencies will likely drive investment in training, development, and technological infrastructure.

Navigating Challenges and Building Capabilities The persistent concerns over results accuracy and the skill gap underscore the need for ongoing education, training, and development within the industry. As the adoption of LLMs and GenAI grows, organizations must invest in upskilling their workforce and fostering a culture of continuous learning to harness these technologies’ full potential. Additionally, addressing regulatory and privacy compliance challenges necessitates a proactive approach to understanding and integrating legal and ethical considerations into technological deployments. This focus on capability building and compliance will be crucial in mitigating risks and ensuring the responsible use of LLMs and GenAI.

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations The survey results also highlight the importance of ethical considerations and regulatory compliance in the deployment of LLMs and GenAI. As these technologies become more embedded in eDiscovery processes, the industry must engage in an ongoing dialogue about their ethical implications, ensuring that their use aligns with legal standards and societal expectations. This will involve collaboration among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and legal experts to develop frameworks that guide the ethical use of AI, protect privacy, and ensure the integrity of eDiscovery practices.

The implications of the Winter 2024 survey findings for the eDiscovery ecosystem are profound, marking a period of significant transformation driven by the integration of LLMs and GenAI. As the industry continues to navigate these changes, the ability to adapt, innovate, and responsibly leverage these technologies will be key to shaping the future of eDiscovery. The insights from the survey not only provide a roadmap for this journey but also highlight the collective ambition of the industry to redefine the boundaries of what is possible in the digital age.

Reflecting on these developments, the eDiscovery sector stands at the cusp of a new era, where technology and innovation intersect to create unprecedented opportunities for growth, efficiency, and strategic advantage.

This focused look at the Winter 2024 and Fall 2023 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys provides a concise snapshot of the current state of thinking within the eDiscovery industry regarding LLMs and GenAI. As these technologies continue to evolve, these insights will be invaluable for professionals navigating this dynamic landscape. Future surveys and analyses will continue to delve into these insights and trends, offering a more detailed understanding of the business of eDiscovery and its understanding, acceptance, and use of these new technologies.

Industry Survey Responses – Winter 2024

Large Language Models and Generative Artificial Intelligence Questions 

n = 100 Respondents

How would you characterize the use of LLMs and GAI in your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Considering and Evaluating: 29%
  • Testing and Piloting: 28%
  • Integrating and Deploying: 34%
  • No Plans: 9%
Use of LLMs and GAI in Organization's Operations or Offerings - Winter 2024

Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary benefit of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Improved Service/Product Delivery: 41%
  • Competitive Advantage: 19%
  • Cost Savings: 19%
  • Enhanced Decision Making: 9%
  • Risk Mitigation: 9%
  • No Perceived Benefit: 3%
Primary Benefit of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization's Operations or Offerings - Winter 2024

Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary challenge of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Results Accuracy: 43%
  • Regulatory and Privacy Compliance: 15%
  • Unclear ROI: 15%
  • Skill Gap: 12%
  • High Costs: 9%
  • Ethical Concerns: 6%
Primary Challenge of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization's Operations or Offerings - Winter 2024

Industry Survey Responses – Fall 2023

Large Language Models and Generative Artificial Intelligence Questions 

n = 64 Respondents

How would you characterize the use of LLMs and GAI in your organization’s operations or offerings?
  • Considering and Evaluating: 25.00%
  • Testing and Piloting: 23.44%
  • Integrating and Deploying: 29.69%
  • No Plans: 21.88%
Use of LLMs and GAI in Organization’s Operations or Offerings – Fall 2023

Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary benefit of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Improved Service/Product Delivery: 35.94%
  • Enhanced Decision Making: 20.31%
  • Competitive Advantage: 18.75%
  • Cost Savings: 10.94%
  • No Perceived Benefit: 10.94%
  • Risk Mitigation: 3.13%
Primary Benefit of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization’s Operations or Offerings – Fall 2023

Of the options provided, which do you perceive as the primary challenge of integrating LLMs and GAI into your organization’s operations or offerings?

  • Results Accuracy: 31.25%
  • Regulatory and Privacy Compliance: 23.44%
  • Skill Gap: 14.06%
  • Unclear ROI: 14.06%
  • High Costs: 9.38%
  • Ethical Concerns: 7.81%
Primary Challenge of Integrating LLMs and GAI into Organization’s Operations or Offerings – Fall 2023

 *Survey methodology focuses on the achievement of at least 50 responses with the least number of emails sent to the ComplexDiscovery industry professional database. This approach seeks to minimize the number of requests for participation in surveys while ensuring a solid number of responses from which to generally assess market sentiment in survey areas of interest.

Additional Reading
Source: ComplexDiscovery OÜ


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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

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Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Model Use

ComplexDiscovery OÜ recognizes the value of GAI and LLM tools in streamlining content creation processes and enhancing the overall quality of its research, writing, and editing efforts. To this end, ComplexDiscovery OÜ regularly employs GAI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney, and DALL-E, to assist, augment, and accelerate the development and publication of both new and revised content in posts and pages published (initiated in late 2022).

ComplexDiscovery also provides a ChatGPT-powered AI article assistant for its users. This feature leverages LLM capabilities to generate relevant and valuable insights related to specific page and post content published on ComplexDiscovery.com. By offering this AI-driven service, ComplexDiscovery OÜ aims to create a more interactive and engaging experience for its users, while highlighting the importance of responsible and ethical use of GAI and LLM technologies.