Content Assessment: Onsite or Remote? Document Reviewer Preferences Survey (Winter 2023)

Information - 93%
Insight - 92%
Relevance - 92%
Objectivity - 91%
Authority - 93%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit of the new Document Reviewer Preferences Survey from ComplexDiscovery regarding onsite and remote review economics and environments.

Editor’s Note: From time to time, ComplexDiscovery highlights publicly available or privately purchasable announcements, content updates, and research from cyber, data, and legal discovery providers, research organizations, and ComplexDiscovery community members. While ComplexDiscovery regularly highlights this information, it does not assume any responsibility for content assertions.

To submit recommendations for consideration and inclusion in ComplexDiscovery’s cyber, data, and legal discovery-centric service, product, or research announcements, contact us today.

Background Note: ComplexDiscovery regularly conducts non-scientific surveys to gain insight into the business of eDiscovery. These surveys include the quarterly eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey, focused on gaining insight into the current confidence of eDiscovery-ecosystem professionals regarding economic factors impacting the creation, delivery, and consumption of eDiscovery products and services. Today CompexDiscovery expands that survey portfolio by introducing a new business survey focused on understanding the preferences of cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery document reviewers regarding onsite and remote review work. This new survey may benefit law firms, legal departments, and service providers seeking to better understand the expectations and economics of both onsite and remote review environments.

Industry Survey

Document Reviewer Preferences Survey (Winter 2023)

Participation Request

The Document Reviewer Preferences Survey is a non-scientific survey designed to provide insight into the preferences of cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery document reviewers regarding onsite and remote review work.
The survey may be important for two primary reasons. 
  • The first reason is that document reviewers have very pronounced preferences regarding their desire to work in either onsite or remote review environments. By better understanding these specified preferences, law firms, legal departments, and service providers can invest in the environments and design compensation rates that best meet reviewer needs while still achieving business objectives.
  • The second reason is that document review providers face challenges in explaining and justifying compensation rates to law firms and legal departments. With market information to share in this arena, document review providers may be better positioned to educate and inform document review consumers on the preferences of reviewers and how these preferences may influence compensation rates for reviewers.
This survey seeks to gather benchmark information regarding document reviewer preferences with two primary objectives. 
  • Providing a deeper understanding for law firms, legal departments, and service providers seeking to align expectations and economics to support document review professionals in both onsite and remote review environments.
  • Creating a shared understanding for document review professionals regarding the preferences of fellow reviewers, collective preferences that ultimately influence the balance of and compensation for onsite and remote review work.
The anonymous survey is open to cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery document review professionals operating in the eDiscovery ecosystem. Participants are invited primarily by personal direct email invitation.
Today ComplexDiscovery kindly asks you as a cybersecurity, information governance, or legal document reviewer to share your preferences regarding onsite and remote review work by participating in the Winter 2023 Document Review Preferences Survey.

The core survey consists of seven multiple-choice questions focused on factors relating to document reviewers’ onsite and remote preferences. The survey also has one optional question for reviewer comments and considerations. The complete survey can be completed in less than two minutes.

Document Reviewer Preferences Survey – Core Questions
  • Are you interested in remote document review work?
  • Are you interested in onsite document review work?
  • What factors directly influence your consideration of onsite document review work?
  • How far would you travel round trip for onsite review work?
  • If considering both onsite and remote review work, if offered the same pay and benefits, which would you prefer?
  • If requiring an incentive to work onsite, what would you expect the additional compensation to be per hour?
  • If offered onsite work, what COVID/health risk precautions would you expect to be required?

Survey Comments and Consideration – Optional Question

  • Additional comments or considerations that may be helpful for understanding document reviewer preferences regarding onsite and remote review.

ComplexDiscovery will anonymize responses to the survey and does not share any individual or organizational contact data, demographics, or answers.

The Document Reviewer Preference Survey response period will be between today and mid-December 2022. Upon completion of the survey, the results will be anonymized, provided to all participants via email, and published on the ComplexDiscovery website.

As your opinion directly influences the economics and environments for document reviewers, please take the time to complete this short survey. The results will provide law firms, legal departments, and service providers with an important reference for considering compensation and work location decisions for onsite and remote reviews.

Additional Research

Source: ComplexDiscovery



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