Content Assessment: Amplifying Awareness? Advertising Program Considerations and Metrics from ComplexDiscovery

Information - 93%
Insight - 92%
Relevance - 90%
Objectivity - 91%
Authority - 92%



A short percentage-based assessment of the qualitative benefit of the recent post highlighting a new limited advertising program by ComplexDiscovery.

Editor’s Note: ComplexDiscovery is an online publication that highlights cyber, data, and legal discovery insight and intelligence ranging from original research to aggregated news for use by cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals. The highly targeted publication seeks to increase the collective understanding of readers regarding cyber, data, and legal discovery information and issues and to provide an objective resource for considering trends, technologies, and services related to electronically stored information. The publication is not all-inclusive of industry news and topics and does not actively seek to increase reader traffic beyond the regular sharing of unfiltered industry announcements, information, and organically developed articles and industry surveys. In many ways, the publication is complementary and not competitive with other excellent eDiscovery-centric information sources ranging from individual blogs and industry associations to prominent news organizations and services.

Advertising Backgrounder

Legal Technology Marketing: Advertising Program Considerations with ComplexDiscovery

ComplexDiscovery Staff

As of mid-2023, ComplexDiscovery is excited to continue its limited advertising program catered specifically for selected industry organizations. This program provides an exclusive chance to elevate the profile and integrity of legal technology providers and solutions amongst the eDiscovery professionals who visit regularly. The integration of this targeted and cost-efficient advertising approach into an all-inclusive marketing strategy may heighten the overall marketing influence of advertisers.

To put the advertising program in context, a holistic marketing program generally incorporates four central elements, each playing a crucial role:

  1. Awareness: This aspect ensures that your target audience is knowledgeable about your organization and what it provides. A strong advertising program helps to propagate knowledge about your organization and its solutions to a wider audience, thereby increasing its reach and impact.
  2. Credibility: This is about establishing trust in your message or brand, based on both objective facts and subjective perceptions. Credibility stems from consistent and quality communications. By associating your brand with ComplexDiscovery, you will be leveraging its trusted reputation to bolster the credibility of your own organization.
  3. Demand (Revenue) Generation: This is all about engaging with both current and potential clients to stimulate action or escalate revenue. Though the ComplexDiscovery advertising program is not directly focused on this aspect, it indirectly contributes by nurturing positive awareness and credibility, which can lead to increased demand and revenue.
  4. Integration: This is the synchronization of your awareness, credibility, and demand (revenue) generation initiatives. The integration of the ComplexDiscovery advertising program into your broader marketing efforts will ensure a holistic approach to your marketing strategy.

ComplexDiscovery’s limited advertising program is not a standalone solution as it primarily concentrates on associative awareness and credibility gained through a reputable publication sharing high-quality content. However, while not directly focused on demand (revenue) generation, this program contributes by fostering positive awareness and credibility, ultimately increasing and accelerating demand (revenue).

To provide a clearer idea, below is an example of the banner format and placement for this exclusive advertising program. Within this program, a handful of advertisers will have their ads displayed in rotation on most ComplexDiscovery posts.

Ad Attributes: 850px Width x 200px Height Core Banner Advertisement (Responsive) with Basic Message, Image Background, Logo, and Call to Action with Link

ComplexDiscovery’s unique advertising program is also restricted to a small group of just ten advertisers at any given time. This ensures high visibility and engagement for each participant. To make the program more accessible and accommodate organizations of various sizes, we’ve introduced an economically efficient pricing structure. Advertisers can opt for a quarterly plan at $599 per quarter or a seven-month plan at $1199. These affordable and impactful marketing opportunities are suitable for all legal technology firms aiming to enhance their brand presence and credibility within the eDiscovery ecosystem.

While the primary goal of this advertising program is to create and nurture associative awareness and credibility, the metrics of ComplexDiscovery’s communication channels are provided for potential (and current) advertisers to appraise the potential benefits of advertising with ComplexDiscovery. Regularly reported by ComplexDiscovery, the most recent metrics demonstrate how advertising on ComplexDiscovery can benefit organizations in the eDiscovery ecosystem. It contributes to a comprehensive marketing program by augmenting the awareness and credibility efforts of organizations and solutions.

The Current Communications Metrics for ComplexDiscovery

A Metrics Overview

Basic Website Metrics: 2023
Source: Google Analytics and Better Docs

Chart 1 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Average Session Duration (Seconds)

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Average Session Duration – July 2023

Chart 2 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Bounce Rate

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Bounce Rate – July 2023

Chart 3 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Users

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – All Users – July 2023

Chart 4 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – New Users

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – New Users – July 2023

Chart 5 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Sessions

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Sessions – July 2023

Chart 6 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Number of Sessions Per User

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Number of Sessions Per User – 2023

Chart 7 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Website Pageviews

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Website Pageviews – July 2023

Chart 8 – ComplexDiscovery Buyers Guide Overview – Pageview Metrics

ComplexDiscovery Buyers Guide Overview – Pageview Metrics – July 2023 – Update

Basic Newsletter and Email Metrics: 2023
Source: Mailchimp and LinkedIn

Chart 9 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Newsletter Subscribers

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Newsletter Subscribers – July 2023

Chart 10 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Email Campaign Open Rates

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Email Campaign Open Rates – July 2023

Chart 11 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Email Campaigns Sent 

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – Email Campaigns Sent – July 2023

Banner Advertising Metrics:  Ten Beta Program Advertisers
Source: Advanced Ads

Note: Industry Averages for Display CTR: Legal = .59% and Tech = .39% (Source: Bitly)

Chart 12 – ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising – Impressions (Aggregate of All Banner Ads from Beta Advertising Program)

ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising Overview – Impressions – July 2023

Chart 13 – ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising – Impressions (By Advertiser for Banner Ads from Beta Advertising Program)

ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising Overview – Impressions – By Vendor- July 2023

Chart 14 – ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising – Click-Through-Rate (CTR) – (Aggregate for All Banner Ads from Beta Advertising Program)

ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising Overview – Click-Through Rate (CTR) – Aggregate – July 2023

Chart 15 – ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising – Click-Through-Rate (CTR) – (By Advertiser for Banner Ads from Beta Advertising Program)

ComplexDiscovery Banner Advertising Overview – Click-Through Rate – July 2023

Basic Social Media Metrics: August 1, 2023
Source: LinkedIn and Twitter

Chart 16 – ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – LinkedIn and Twitter

ComplexDiscovery Audience Overview – LinkedIn and Twitter Followers – July 2023

Basic Website Accessibility Metrics: 2023
Source: Userway

Chart 17 – ComplexDiscovery Website Accessibility Score

ComplexDiscovery Website Accessibility Score – July 2023

Closing the Loop

The information shared in this article conveys the logic behind the design and deployment of the new limited advertising program by ComplexDiscovery. The explanation of the core components of a holistic marketing program may also be beneficial for anyone considering advertising efforts regardless of industry. And the overview of ComplexDiscovery communications metrics is provided to present complete transparency as to the potential awareness and credibility contribution of advertising on the website. Whether you choose to advertise on ComplexDiscovery or any industry site, it is reasonable to first truly understand the direct objective of such an advertising effort and advertise accordingly. For those in the eDiscovery ecosystem seeking to increase associative awareness and credibility, advertising on ComplexDiscovery may be a solid choice for inclusion in your holistic marketing mix.

Click here to inquire about advertising opportunities with ComplexDiscovery.

Assisted by GAI and LLM Technologies

Additional Reading

Source: ComplexDiscovery


This is an independent website. The views and opinions expressed here are those of ComplexDiscovery OÜ and may not necessarily reflect those of the people, institutions, or organizations that ComplexDiscovery OÜ may or may not have an affiliation with at this time. Views and opinions may change from time to time based on learning more and developing a deeper understanding of the areas and issues highlighted in published content. Click here for the full website disclaimer from ComplexDiscovery OÜ.


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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

For the latest in law, technology, and business, visit


Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Model Use

ComplexDiscovery OÜ recognizes the value of GAI and LLM tools in streamlining content creation processes and enhancing the overall quality of its research, writing, and editing efforts. To this end, ComplexDiscovery OÜ regularly employs GAI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney, and DALL-E, to assist, augment, and accelerate the development and publication of both new and revised content in posts and pages published (initiated in late 2022).

ComplexDiscovery also provides a ChatGPT-powered AI article assistant for its users. This feature leverages LLM capabilities to generate relevant and valuable insights related to specific page and post content published on By offering this AI-driven service, ComplexDiscovery OÜ aims to create a more interactive and engaging experience for its users, while highlighting the importance of responsible and ethical use of GAI and LLM technologies.