- 2022 - 2027 Worldwide eDiscovery Software and Services Overview
- Market Overview
- Figure 1 - eDiscovery Software and Services Market
- Figure 2 - eDiscovery Software Market
- Figure 3 - eDiscovery Cloud Software Market
- Figure 4 - eDiscovery Services Market
- Figure 5 - eDiscovery Market Overview by Geography
- Figure 6 - eDiscovery Market Overview by Government/Non-Government Markets
- Figure 7 - eDiscovery Market Overview by Task
- Figure 8 - [Lagniappe] eDiscovery Market Sizing: Past and Projected
- Segment Estimates
- eDiscovery Software and Services Market Size (Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4)
- On and Off-Premise Software Market Size (Figures 2 and 3)
- Geographical Market Size (Figure 5)
- Government and Non-Government Market Size (Figure 6)
- Estimated Spending By Task (Figure 7)
- [Lagniappe] eDiscovery Market Sizing: Past and Projected (Figure 8)
Editor’s Note: From estimated market size to projected market growth, the eDiscovery Market Size Mashup for 2022-2027 provides information and insight into the worldwide eDiscovery software and services market through research and modeling based on publicly available and privately shared research, reports, and representations. Initiated in 2012 and published annually, ComplexDiscovery market size mashups may be helpful for cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery professionals as they consider market challenges and opportunities for eDiscovery software and services through the lens of market size and growth rates.
Industry Research
2022 – 2027 Worldwide eDiscovery Software and Services Overview #
Market Overview #
Taken from a combination of public market sizing estimations* as shared in leading electronic discovery publications, posts, data points, and discussions, the following eDiscovery Market Size Mashup** shares general market sizing estimates for the software and services area of the electronic discovery market for the years between 2022 and 2027.
The mashup charts (Figures 1-8) represent one interpretation of aggregated and modeled publicly available information that focuses on eDiscovery market trends, size, growth, and segmentation.
Figure 1 – eDiscovery Software and Services Market #
eDiscovery Software and Services Market (2022-2027)Figure 2 – eDiscovery Software Market #
eDiscovery Software Market (2022-2027)Figure 3 – eDiscovery Cloud Software Market #
eDiscovery Cloud Software Market (2022-2027)Figure 4 – eDiscovery Services Market #
eDiscovery Services Market (2022-2027)Figure 5 – eDiscovery Market Overview by Geography #
eDiscovery Market Geographical Overview (2022-2027)Figure 6 – eDiscovery Market Overview by Government/Non-Government Markets #
eDiscovery Government and Non-Government Market Overview (2022-2027)Figure 7 – eDiscovery Market Overview by Task #
eDiscovery Market By Task (2022-2027)Figure 8 – [Lagniappe] eDiscovery Market Sizing: Past and Projected #
eDiscovery Market Sizing - Past and Projected - 2022 - UpdateSegment Estimates #
Specific estimates based on the aggregation of forecasts are provided below for general eDiscovery market segments.
eDiscovery Software and Services Market Size (Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4) #
- After experiencing a market retraction due to the worldwide pandemic, a resurgence and acceleration of spending occurred in 2022. This resurgence and acceleration resulted in estimated spending for worldwide eDiscovery software and services of approximately $14.05B for 2022.
- The combined eDiscovery software and services market spending is estimated at approximately $14.05B in 2022 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of approximately 9.69% to $22.31B in 2027.
- eDiscovery software market spending is estimated at approximately $4.78B in 2022 (34% of the total market) and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of approximately 12.72% to $8.70B in 2027 (39% of the total market).
- eDiscovery services market spending is estimated at approximately $9.27B in 2022 (66% of the total market) and estimated to grow at a CAGR of approximately 7.98% to $13.61B (61% of the total market) in 2027.
On and Off-Premise Software Market Size (Figures 2 and 3) #
- On-Premise software spending is estimated to be approximately 45% of worldwide eDiscovery software spending in 2022, with that number decreasing to approximately 27% by 2027. While the percentage of spending is decreasing over time, the actual dollar amount of spending is estimated to continue to grow slowly through 2027, with spending ranging from $2.15B in 2022 to $2.35B in 2027.
- Off-Premise software spending is estimated at approximately 55% ($2.63B) of worldwide eDiscovery software spending in 2022, with that percentage increasing to approximately 73% by 2027 and representing dollar spending estimated at $6.35B in 2027.
- Cloud software spending (off-premise) for Software as a Service (SaaS) is estimated at approximately $1.79B in 2022, growing to $4.19B in 2027.
- Cloud software spending (off-premise) for Platform as a Service (PaaS) is estimated at approximately $0.37B in 2022, growing to $1.02B in 2027.
- Cloud software spending (off-premise) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is estimated at approximately $0.47B in 2022, growing to $1.14B in 2027.
Geographical Market Size (Figure 5) #
- The U.S. is estimated to account for approximately 62% of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that percentage decreasing to approximately 57% by 2027. While the percentage of spending is decreasing over time, the actual dollar spend is estimated to increase based on overall worldwide software and services market growth, growing from $8.71B in 2022 to $12.72B in 2027.
- The rest of the world (ROW) outside of the U.S. is estimated to constitute approximately 38% ($5.34B) of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that number increasing to approximately 43% by 2027 and representing a dollar spend estimated at $9.59B in 2027.
Government and Non-Government Market Size (Figure 6) #
- Governmental and Regulatory spending on eDiscovery (audits, investigations, and litigation) is estimated to constitute approximately 45% of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that number decreasing to approximately 41% by 2027. While the percentage of spending is decreasing over time, the actual dollar spend is estimated to increase based on overall software and services market growth, growing from $6.32B in 2022 to 9.15B in 2027.
- Non-Governmental spending on eDiscovery is estimated to constitute approximately 55% ($7.73B) of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that number increasing to approximately 59% ($13.16B) by 2027.
Estimated Spending By Task (Figure 7) #
- Spending on review-related software and services is estimated to constitute approximately 66% of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that number decreasing to approximately 61% by 2027. While the percentage of spending is decreasing over time, the actual dollar spend is estimated to increase based on overall software and services market growth, growing from $9.27B in 2022 to $13.61B by 2027.
- Spending on processing-related software and services is estimated to continue to constitute approximately 19% ($2.67B) of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that percentage growing slowly to an estimated at 20% through 2027, when it will constitute $4.46B of spending.
- Spending on collection-related software and services is estimated to constitute approximately 15% ($2.11B) of worldwide eDiscovery software and services spending in 2022, with that number increasing to approximately 19% ($4.24B) by 2027.
[Lagniappe] eDiscovery Market Sizing: Past and Projected (Figure 8) #
- In 2012, the combined eDiscovery services and software market was estimated to be $4.73B.
- eDiscovery services and software combined spending in the last full pre-COVID calendar year (2019) was estimated to be $11.23B.
- The eDiscovery services and software market is expected to grow to approximately $22.31B in 2027, a growth of $17.58B between 2012 and 2027. If estimates are accurate, at the end of 2027, a total of approximately $192B will have been spent on eDiscovery software and services worldwide between the start of 2012 and the end of 2027.
*Market Size Sources
Sources for eDiscovery market sizing estimations and recent adjustments have been aggregated since the initial eDiscovery Market Size Mashup published in 2012 and are included in a model that is used to develop annual eDiscovery market size mashups. These sources include but are not limited to publicly available content (including abstracts, excerpts, quotes, references, and data points) from the following sources.
- ComplexDiscovery. 2022 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys. (Running Listing). November 2022.
- Selected Industry eDiscovery Providers (Discussions), 2022. eDiscovery Market Trends and Trajectories. November 2022.
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce), 2022. Gross Domestic Product (Advance Estimate), Third Quarter 2022. October 27, 2022.
- Research and Markets. eDiscovery Market Research Report by Deployment, Component, Verticals, Region, Global Forecast to 2027 – Cumulative Impact of COVID-19. 360iReseearch, October 2022.
- Gartner. Market Guide for E-Discovery Solutions. Michael Hoeck, October 2022.
- IDC. IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Review Software 2022 Vendor Assessment. Ryan O’Leary, October 2022.
- Allied Market Research. Global eDiscovery Market: Opportunities and Forecast 2021 – 2031. G Akansha, G Ankit, K Vineet. September 2022.
- IDC. IDC MarketScape: Worldwide eDiscovery Early Case Assessment Software 2022 Vendor Assessment. Ryan O’Leary, September 2022.
- 360 Market Updates. Global eDiscovery Industry Research Report – Competitive Landscape, Market Size, Regional Status, and Prospect. September 2022.
- Houlihan Lokey. Legal Technology and Services Q3 Update. August 2022
- Research and Markets. 2022. eDiscovery Market – Forecasts from 2021 to 2026. Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence LLP, December 2021.
- ComplexDiscovery. Annual eDiscovery Market Size Mashups – 2012 – 2022. November 21, 2021.
- Reports and Data. 2021. eDiscovery Market Size Expected to Reach USD 31.89 Billion at CAGR of 12.3%, By 2028. November 7, 2021.
- ComplexDiscovery. 2021 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys. (Running Listing). November 2021.
- Research and Markets. 2021. eDiscovery Market Research Report by Deployment, Component, Verticals, and Region – Global Forecast to 2026 – Cumulative Impact of COVID-19. October 2021.
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce), 2021. Gross Domestic Product (Advance Estimate), Corporate Profits, And GDP By Industry, Third Quarter 2021. October 28, 2021.
- Nasdaq. 2021. LegalTechnology: Why the Legal Tech Boom is Just Getting Started. Casey Flaherty and Jae Um. October 11, 2021.
- Research and Markets. 2021. eDiscovery Market Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021 – 2026. September 2021.
- BMC. 2021. The State of SaaS in 2022: Growth Trends and Statistics. Laura Shriff and Chrissy Kidd. September 17, 2021.
- EY. 2021. Top Five eDiscovery Trends in 2021. Harshavardhan Godugula. August 31, 2021.
- Nuix. 2021. FY21 Financial Results Investor Presentation. August 31, 2021.
- Securities and Exchange Commission. 2021. Form S-1 Statement for CS Disco, Inc. June 25, 2021.
- ComplexDiscovery. 2021. Summer 2021 eDiscovery Pricing Survey Results. June 6, 2021.
- eDiscovery Journal. 2021. A Different Perspective on eDiscovery Market Size. Greg Buckles. April 6, 2021.
- Facts and Factors. 2021. Global Market Size and Share will Reach USD $24.12 Billion by 2026. February 10, 2021.
- Market and Markets. 2021. eDiscovery Market worth $12.9B by 2025. January 2021.
- Third-Party Market Studies (Independent Briefing). 2021. Industry Overview for eDiscovery Technology. May 2021.
- Third-Party Market Studies (Independent Briefing). 2021. eDiscovery Sector Update. April 2021.
- Securities and Exchange Commission. 2021. Form 10-K Statement for KLDiscovery, Inc. March 18, 2021.
- ComplexDiscovery. Annual eDiscovery Market Size Mashups – 2012 – 2021. November 11, 2020.
- American Medical Association. 2020. The Year Ahead—Exclusive Interview With Anthony Fauci, MD, NIAID Director. November 7, 2020.
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce), 2020. Gross Domestic Product (Advance Estimate), Corporate Profits, And GDP By Industry, Third Quarter 2020. October 29, 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Resetting the Baseline? eDiscovery Market Size Adjustments for 2020.” October 26, 2020.
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce), 2020. Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised), And GDP By Industry, Second Quarter 2020. September 30, 2020.
- Selected Industry eDiscovery Analysts (Discussion), 2020. eDiscovery Market Forecasting. October 19, 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “2020 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys. (Running Listing).” October 2020.
- Industry eDiscovery Providers (Discussion), 2020. eDiscovery Market Forecasting. September 29, 2020.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Services Forecast, 2020-2024.” Ryan O’Leary. September 2020.
- Selected Industry Investors (Discussion), 2020. eDiscovery Market Forecasting. September 15, 2020.
- KL Discovery. “KL Discovery Inc. Announces Second Quarter Financial Results.” KL Discovery. August 12, 2020.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Software Forecast, 2020-2024.” Ryan O’Leary. June 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Home or Away? New eDiscovery Market Sizing and Pricing Considerations.” June 15, 2020.
- Mordor Intelligence. 2020. Global Digital Forensics Market, 2020–2025. May 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Summer 2020 eDiscovery Pricing Survey Results.” May 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Revisions and Decisions? New Considerations for eDiscovery Secure Remote Reviews.” May 4, 2020.
- Selected Industry eDiscovery Providers (Discussion), 2020. eDiscovery Market Forecasting. May 1, 2020.
- ComplexDiscovery. “2019 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys. (Running Listing).” November 2019.
- Relativity Fest Panel. “State of the eDiscovery Union.” Panelist Ryan O’Leary (IDC). October 22, 2019.
- IDC. “IDC Marketscape: Worldwide eDiscovery SaaS Review Software Assessment.” Ryan O’Leary. August 12, 2019.
- Gartner, Inc. “Market Guide for E-Discovery Solutions.” Julian Tirsu, Michael Hoeck. June 27, 2019.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Summer 2019 eDiscovery Pricing Survey Results.” June 2019.
- KL Discovery. “Investor Presentation.” Pivotal, KL Discovery. May 2019.
- Gartner, Inc. “Defining Your E-Discovery Process Will Lower Costs and Reduce Risks.” Julian Tirsu. March 29, 2019.
- Georgetown Law Center for the Study of the Legal Profession and the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute. “2019 Report on the State of the Legal Market.” January 2019.
- ComplexDiscovery. “Winter 2019 eDiscovery Pricing Survey Results.” December 2018.
- ComplexDiscovery. “2018 eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys. (Running Listing).” November 2018.
- FRONTEO. “Form 20-F (073118).” UBIC Annual Report for Foreign Investors. July 2018.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Software Forecast, 2018-2022.” Ryan O’Leary, Sean Pike. June 2018.
- Markets and Markets. “eDiscovery Market by Component, Deployment Type, Organizational Size, Vertical, and Region – Global Forecast to 2023.” June 2018.
- Georgetown Law Center for the Study of the Legal Profession and the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute. “2018 Report on the State of the Legal Market.” January 2018.
- Greentarget. “2018 Legal Industry Outlook.” January 2018.
- Catalyst Investors. “Legal Tech Market Overview.” Kirk Mahoney. November 29, 2017.
- Gartner, Inc. “Market Guide for E-Discovery Solutions.” Julian Tirsu, Garth Landers, Shane Harris. October 24, 2017.
- P&S Market Research. “eDiscovery Market for Software and Services.” October 18, 2017.
- ComplexDiscovery. eDiscovery Business Confidence Surveys – Running Listing. ComplexDiscovery. October 18, 2017.
- Forbes. “Global Legal Tech Is Transforming Service Delivery.” Mark A. Cohen. August 29, 2017.
- Aberdeen. “Key Strategies To Improve The Performance Of E-Discovery Teams.” Michael Caton. August 2017
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Services Market Shares, 2016: Global Leaders Emerge Through Industry Consolidation.” Angela Gelnaw. June 2017.
- ACG Partner. “Legal Tech: Seeded and Ready to Launch.”, Trevor Martin, Ben Howe, Jon Guido, Fred Joseph. April 2017.
- IDC. “Marketscape: Worldwide eDiscovery Services 2017 Vendor Assessment.” Angela Gelnaw. March 2017.
- ComplexDiscovery. Annual eDiscovery Market Size Mashups – 2012 – 2017, ComplexDiscovery, March 4, 2017.
- Zion Market Research. “eDiscovery Market for Government, Regulatory Agencies, Enterprises, and Law Firms.” November 23, 2016.
- Markets and Markets. “E-Discovery Market by Solution, Service, Deployment Type, and Vertical – Global Forecast to 2021.” November 2016.
- Future Market Insights (FMI). “eDiscovery Market Analysis – Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment.” July 5, 2016.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Software Market Forecast, 2016-2020: Back to Basics.” Angela Gelnaw. June 30, 2016.
- Gartner, Inc. “Market Guide for E-Discovery Solutions.” Jie Zhang. June 30, 2016.
- U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. “2016 Top Markets Report – Cloud Computing.” April 14, 2016.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Services Forecast 2014-2019.” Sean Pike, Angela Gelnaw. December 2015.
- Gartner, Inc. “Critical Capabilities for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Garth Landers. October 6, 2015.
- Transparency Market Research. “eDiscovery Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014-2022.” July 6, 2015
- Markets and Markets. “E-Discovery Market By Solution, Deployment, Industry, & Region – Global Forecast to 2020.” July 2015.
- Global Industry Analysts, Inc. “eDiscovery (Software and Services) Global Strategic Business Report.” May 28, 2015.
- Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Garth Landers. May 18, 2015.
- The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2014-2018.” Sara Radicati. December 3, 2014.
- Transparency Market Research. “eDiscovery Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2014-2020).” June 2014.
- Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Debra Logan, Garth Landers. June 19, 2014.
- IDC. “Worldwide eDiscovery Software 2014-2018 Forecast.” Sean Pike. May 2014.
- The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2013-2017.” Sara Radicati. August 2013.
- Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Debra Logan, Alan Dayley, Sheila Childs. June 10, 2013.
- The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2012-2016.” Sara Radicati, Todd Yamasaki. October 2012.
- Transparency Market Research. “World e-Discovery Software & Service Market Study.” August 2012.
- Rand Institute For Civil Justice. “Where the Money Goes: Understanding Litigant Expenditures for Producing Electronic Discovery.” Nicolas Pace and Laura Zakaras. April 2012.
- IDC. “MarketScape: Worldwide Standalone Early Case Assessment Applications Vendor Analysis.” Vivian Tero. September 19, 2011.
- Industry Observer Estimations (Multiple Observers)
Additional Reading
- An eDiscovery Market Sizing Chronology from ComplexDiscovery
- Defining Cyber Discovery? A Definition and Framework
**What is a Mashup?
A mashup is a combination or mixing of content from different sources to create a new way of looking at data. The main characteristic of a mashup includes combinations, visualizations, and aggregation. Mashups can help make existing data more useful, moreover for personal and professional use. (Wikipedia)
Source: ComplexDiscovery