Company Name: APT Search

Key Contacts:

Company Contact
Phone: +44 (0) 303 643 0248

Address: Churchill House, Suite 301, 120 Bunns Lane, Mill Hill, London, NW7 2AS


Company Description:
APT Search is a company that assists data and security organizations in their growth by offering talent solutions and AI technologies. Utilizing its proprietary AI tools, APT Search enables deep searching capabilities and ensures airtight compliance, supporting the high-quality service provided by its skilled, talented professionals. The company prides itself on delivering unmatched results for a wide range of clients, from startups to global enterprises. Additionally, APT Search is committed to having a positive impact on the environment. It operates as a carbon-positive business, actively offsetting more carbon than it emits through the purchase of carbon credits, tree planting, and support for various ecological projects every month and with every hire.


  • Talent solutions for data and security organizations
  • AI technology for deep searching and compliance
  • Carbon-positive initiatives including carbon credit purchases, tree planting, and ecological project support

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