Heureka Software

Vendor Name: Heureka Software, LLC

Key Contact:

Tim Steele
Email: tim.steele@heurekasoftware.com
Phone: +1 330-730-7250

Address: 1382 W. 9th St. #215 Cleveland, OH 44113

Company Website: www.heurekasoftware.com

Company Description:
Heureka Software, founded in 2014, focuses on gaining control and insight into unstructured data, which represents a significant part of all data. They offer a unique platform that indexes unstructured data in place, reducing the time and cost of data discovery. Their management team brings expertise in various fields, including cybersecurity, eDiscovery, and legal operations.

Heureka’s platform enables data discovery, classification, and elimination of redundant, obsolete, and trivial data. The platform includes endpoint indexing appliances, an advanced classification and tagging engine, and a command console with a risk dashboard. It provides real-time access to unstructured data across various platforms and features iterative searching, risk identification, and analysis before collection.

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