This section examines software in three broad categories within the eDiscovery domain. A more comprehensive market analysis can be found in the Market Survey section, while the Procurement section provides draft requirements for this area.
Early Case / Data Assessment #
After data collection, materials typically undergo an initial assessment or culling process. Tools in this category allow users to analyze information in various ways, such as filtering out unwanted file types, grouping data by date and custodian, or employing more sophisticated semantic clustering. In the latter approach, the software groups similar items based on linguistic analysis of ESI content, date, time, and other objective data. This method has two key benefits: it enables easy bulk coding of irrelevant material, and the computer’s unbiased approach may uncover unexpected groupings that human reviewers might miss.
Litigation Support Systems #
These systems focus on document review in preparation for initial disclosure and potential trial bundles. They offer features such as user-defined issue tagging, advanced search capabilities, and auditable production processes. More recent tools include built-in workflow management and logic checks to improve quality control. The market offers a range of tools, from cost-effective solutions to high-end products. Most tools share common functionality, and the key is to match user requirements with the available features to avoid overspecification.
Multi-Purpose Tools #
In recent years, there has been a trend for Early Case Assessment (ECA) and litigation support products to overlap in functionality, which is expected in a maturing market. Some offerings now encompass both categories, either as a single product designed to cover the entire spectrum or as separate products (sometimes from different companies) that have been integrated through acquisitions and redevelopment.
The challenge lies in developing a single software solution that effectively addresses the distinct requirements of ECA tools and litigation support systems. The risk is creating a “jack of all trades, master of none” product. However, as products continue to evolve and merge functionalities, it is likely that successful future tools will span all areas. The key is to ensure the appropriate timing of adoption to avoid premature investments.