Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

Deloitte LLP

Vendor Name: Deloitte LLP

Key Contacts:

Nick Conway
Phone: +44 (0) 207 007 2431

Peter Robinson
Phone: +44 (0) 207 303 2148

Address: 1 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3HQ

Company Website:

Company Description:
Deloitte LLP operates globally with a significant turnover and a dedicated team for Discovery Consultancy and integrated e-Discovery services. With a substantial team in the UK and a presence across Europe, Deloitte is well-experienced in Discovery, offering client-centric services across the EDRM spectrum. They specialize in large-scale, cross-border e-Discovery, focusing on data privacy and a variety of electronic evidence sources, including structured data and digital forensics.

Deloitte provides extensive e-Discovery services such as Discovery Consulting, Data Collection, Processing, Hosting, Review Management, Managed Services, Structured Data Discovery, Audio Recovery, Cyber Crime and Forensics, Expert Services, Document Review, Contract Lifecycle Management, Data Rooms, and Data Separation. They utilize tools like Relativity, Nuix Discover, and an extensive range of forensic tools.

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eDisclosure Systems - Buyers Guide 2022 - Supplier Details-pages-52-53

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