Sun. May 5th, 2024

Vendor Name: KPMG LLP

Key Contacts:

Darren Pauling (Managing Director)
Phone: +44 20 7694 5565

Magnus Becher (Director)
Phone: +44 788 042 5813

Address: 15 Canada Square, London, E14 5GL

Company Website:

Company Description:
KPMG LLP provides data-driven solutions in disputes, investigations, regulatory and internal reviews. The team includes specialists and industry sector experts in e-disclosure, incident response, investigations, and data enhancement. They operate globally with over 500 forensic technology specialists, offering forensic technology services for decades.

KPMG LLP specializes in multi-jurisdictional matters, international eDiscovery, and data protection laws. They provide technology tools for managing large data and documentation, highlighting fraud weaknesses, and business opportunities. Services include analytics, investigations, project management, forensic accounting, cyber investigations, eDiscovery consulting, technology implementation, and legal technology market reviews.

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eDisclosure Systems - Buyers Guide 2022 - Supplier Details-pages-118-121

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