Wed. May 8th, 2024

Pivotal Mobile eDiscovery (PME)

Vendor Name: Pivotal Mobile eDiscovery (PME)

Key Contacts:

Richard Grover, Founder and Chief Development Officer
Phone: (615) 517-4517

Address: 1209 Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801

Company Website:

Company Description:
PME addresses challenges in mobile eDiscovery with a unique data collection and analysis system utilizing patented AI technology. It’s designed for efficiency in highly regulated and litigated markets, focusing on client and case needs with over 12 patents being filed to support its innovative approaches.

PME offers targeted remote collections for Android and Apple devices globally, with a containerized software agent architecture for easy, efficient data collection. Its AI-based data filtering and search capabilities ensure precise, relevant data collection. PME provides comprehensive mobile data collection, analysis, export, and reporting capabilities, integrating easily with existing eDiscovery platforms. It is GDPR compliant, offering advanced data provenance and protection, and supports various deployment options, including Cloud and Hybrid Data Centers. PME’s future roadmap includes more complex AI capabilities.

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