Fri. May 3rd, 2024

JND eDiscovery (US)

Vendor Name: JND eDiscovery (US)

Key Contacts:

Scott Lombard, Senior Vice President
Phone: +1 612-328-9920

Address: 431 1st Avenue North Suite 410, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Company Website:

Company Description:
JND eDiscovery, a Minneapolis-based subsidiary of JND Legal Administration, provides innovative legal technology and eDiscovery services. They offer a range of services, including Litigation Readiness, Data Collection, ESI Processing, Review, Hosting, Analytics, Production, and Managed Services. JND’s team, consisting of certified consultants, technical analysts, and project managers, works closely with clients to design efficient workflows and custom dashboards for legal teams.

JND eDiscovery specializes in cloud-based eDiscovery solutions, leveraging RelativityOne to offer scalable, secure, and efficient services. Their capabilities include high-throughput ESI processing, advanced analytics, and comprehensive managed review services. They also provide proprietary Relativity-integrated applications like LayerCake™, MachOne™, and OneSearch™, enhancing the eDiscovery process.

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eDisclosure Systems - Buyers Guide 2022 - Supplier Details-pages-110-113

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